Emerge From Your Cocoon Transformed


Well, things are quite different right now!  Almost overnight we have found ourselves living through an almost apocalyptic time in our lives, that no one expected to ever see.

We see people not going out without masks on, not being able to pop to see friends and family, and absolutely no social events whatsoever.

The list goes on - but I don't need to tell you what we CAN'T do right now.

I am here to tell you what you CAN do.

This is a tough time for most.  Even if not a financial punch in the pocket, people are dealing with an adjustment to life in general and emotions are running high.  The plans you had and life in general, could seem on hold for a lot of people right now.

But it doesn't have to be completely on hold.

How are you spending the time you are saving on not travelling to a meeting or another place of work?  What are you doing in the time you would have been socialising with friends?

It's all too easy to think of what you are not able to do right now.  But how about you consider all the things you could be spending this unexpected bout of freedom doing?

Read that book, do that course, finish that business plan we mentioned last month, or do your tax return. You could even redesign your website that you have been putting off for months... Do it now, and emerge from this government imposed cocoon truly transformed and ready to help rebuild the nation as well as your business.

Have a think about 5 things you want to achieve whilst at home.  It doesn't matter how big or small, just 5 things you otherwise wouldn't have got around to doing and schedule them in your diary to do.

Don’t forget you can join my monthly Hub Club, and if you would like to sign up do send me an email at hello@fayewatts.com and I can get you enrolled.

Stay safe everyone.

Faye x

Faye Watts is a Strategic Business Coach and founder of London accountancy firm, FUSE Accountants. Sharing business development skills with business owners like you through planning, coaching and advisory. She is also the co-founder of Audrey an online platform for women who know there’s more to life and sits on the board of various organisations, including as a trustee for the charity Neuroblastoma UK