Think Bigger, Aim Higher

Think Bigger Aim Higher

Elon Musk said:

Stop being patient and start asking yourself, how do I accomplish my 10 year plan in 6 months?
You will probably fail but you will be a lot further ahead of the person who simply accepted it was going to take 10 years.

This really resonates with me as I’m not a perfectionist and I like to set the bar high.

Many people underestimate what they can achieve and only set themselves small targets and limit their goals because of the fear of failure, and also because of the fear of success. This can lead to feelings of disappointment and self-sabotage. Reframe this way of thinking and realise that failure leads to growth. Does it matter if you don't hit 100% of every target?

By stretching yourself and getting outside of your comfort zone, you’re more likely to be able to celebrate your growth and strive for greater success. It doesn’t matter whether you smash the target or just get close, the intention is to work towards this and be focused and driven.

Set your targets and don't be disappointed if you fail, be excited by what you achieve and the opportunity to learn and grow.


Imagine you have a big goal to hit a sales target of one million pounds…

If you were held back by fear, you may find this too scary to achieve and only set out to make half of that because it would otherwise take you out of your comfort zone and increase the chances of 'failure'. Imagine if you worked your socks off to achieve the £1m goal, would it matter if you only reached £800k?

I’m betting this is still better than the target you may have set if you hadn’t been aiming high. Imagine that success.

Would you feel disappointed for not hitting the million or over the moon for what you have achieved?


See, the difference here is mindset.

It’s up to you to determine how big the goal is, how high you aim, and how you choose to feel about it.

New Mindset. New Results

New Mindset

So I encourage you to…


…next time you set your targets.

Faye Watts
Faye Watts

Faye Watts is a Strategic Business Coach and founder of London accountancy firm, FUSE Accountants. Sharing business development skills with business owners like you through planning, coaching and advisory. She is also the co-founder of Audrey, an online platform for women who know there’s more to life and sits on the board of various organisations, including as a trustee for the charity Neuroblastoma UK.


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